Amazon Rewards Program Agreement
Last modified: December 7, 2023
1. Important information about the program and this
Your Amazon Business American Express
Card/Amazon Business Prime American Express
Card Account is issued by American Express
National Bank. The Amazon rewards program is
offered by Amazon and American Express. This
document describes how the Amazon rewards
program works and is an agreement between you,
Amazon and American Express. You agree that use
of your Card Account or any feature of this
program indicates your acceptance of the terms of
this agreement. In this document, the following
words have special meanings:
“Additional Card Member” is defined in the Card
Member Agreement for your Card Account
“agreement” means this document
“Amazon” means Amazon Services LLC and its affiliates
“” means the website accessible at
“Amazon Account” means the or Amazon
Business Account from which you apply for your Card
“Amazon Books” means Amazon Books locations in the
“Amazon Business” means the business or businesses
operating in the U.S. as Amazon Business
“Amazon Go” means Amazon Go locations in the U.S.
“AWS” means the business or businesses operating in
the U.S. as Amazon Web Services
“Basic Card Membermeans the person who applied
for the Card Account or to whom we address billing
Card Accountmeans the Credit Card Account
associated with your Amazon Business American
Express Card/Amazon Business Prime American
Express Card, or any Account number used by
you to access your Credit Card Account
“Company” means the business for which the
Card Account is established
Credit Card or “Card” means the physical
Card associated with your Card Account
“designated Amazon properties” is defined in
section 3 of this agreement titled Amazon
rewards option
eligible Prime membership” means a current
Prime membership or Business Prime
membership, as determined by Amazon and
governed by the Prime or Business Prime terms
and conditions. Please visit to learn more about
eligible Prime memberships
“eligible purchases” is defined in the section 4
of this agreement titledHow you can earn %
Back rewards
“Payment Terms” means that a charge
associated with a purchase subject to Payment
Terms will not become due and will not begin
to accrue interest for a predetermined period
of time. We may also refer to this as 90 Day
Terms or 60 Day Terms or sometimes just
“points” means Amazon Rewards points
“program” means the Amazon rewards
program described in this agreement
“program Account” is the rewards Account
associated with your Card Account
“rewards option” is defined in section 3 of this
agreement titledAmazon Rewards Option
“we”, “us”, “our,” and “American Express”
mean American Express National Bank and its
Amazon Rewards Program Agreement
“Whole Foods Marketmeans Whole Foods Market
locations in the United States, including Whole Foods
Market 365 stores and the website accessible at “Whole Foods Market
does not include:
o third-party sites (including, for example,
Eventbrite, Instacart, Google Express,
Shipt, and where Whole
Foods Market or Whole Foods Market
365 products or services, or event
tickets, classes, or gift Cards redeemable
at Whole Foods Market or Whole Foods
Market 365, may be purchased; or
o third-party vendors operating at
Whole Foods Market locations
“you” and “your” mean the Basic Card Member and
the Company
“% Back rewards” are the rewards you earn under
the program. % Back rewards are tracked as points
and each 100 points in % Back rewards earned is
equal to $1. You may simply see “% Back” in
marketing materials when referring to the rewards
you earn
“5-2-1 % Back rewards” is described in section 4 of
this agreement titled “How you can earn % Back
“3-2-1 % Back rewards” is described in section 4 of
this agreement titled “How you can earn % Back
We may make changes to the program and the
terms of this agreement at any time. For
example, we may:
add new terms or delete terms
change how you earn points
change how you use points
change what you can get with points. We may
temporarily prohibit you from earning points,
using points you’ve already earned, or
using any features of the program.
We may supplement this agreement with
additional terms, conditions, disclosures,
and agreements that will be considered
part of this agreement.
We may refer to this agreement as the
Rewards Program Terms in communications
about the program and in supplemental
terms, conditions, disclosures, and
2. Notice of changes
We’ll give you prior written notice of the
following types of changes to the program or
this agreement:
if we add or increase fees applicable to
the program
if we change the rates at which points
can be earned in this program
if we limit the number of points you can
if we remove a designated Amazon
property from the program
if we cancel the program
We’ll send this notice to you in writing,
which, at our option, may be delivered to you
electronically by email or through our online
services, such as or the
American Express Mobile App.
We’ll give you notice of other changes to the
program or agreement by posting an updated
copy of this agreement, which you can view
We wont provide notice when we change
what you can get when you Shop with
Points. You understand and agree that we
can make these changes at any time.
Amazon Rewards Program Agreement
can see what you currently can and cannot get
when you Shop with Points at
3. Amazon rewards option
The designated Amazon properties are Amazon
Business, AWS,, Whole Foods
Market, Amazon Go, and Amazon Books.
When using your Card for eligible purchases on
designated Amazon properties, you will have
the option to either (i) earn % Back rewards on
your purchase or (ii) apply Payment Terms to
your purchase. We refer to this option as your
rewards option. When making purchases at
Whole Foods Market and Amazon-branded
physical store locations, you may not have the
option to select a rewards option at checkout;
in such cases, your default rewards option will
apply. You will not earn % Back rewards on any
purchase to which you apply Payment Terms.
Your default selection for your rewards option
will initially be set to earn % Back rewards. You
may be allowed to select your rewards option
at the point of sale for certain purchases on
designated Amazon properties. In those
instances, only your selection at point of sale
will be honored, even if it differs from your
default selection. If you are not allowed to
select your rewards option at the point of sale,
your default selection will apply to such eligible
purchase. You will not be able select your
rewards option at point of sale for transactions
made through Accounts Payable Automation
Solutions (e.g., Vendor Pay) and you may not
receive Payment Terms or higher percentage %
Back rewards for such transactions. Additional
Card Members cannot select the rewards
option at the point of sale in the same way the
Basic Card Member can; the selected default
rewards option will apply to purchases made by
Additional Card Members. You can select the
default option on your Amazon Account
settings page. You cannot change the
rewards option which is applied to your
purchase, or to a purchase made by an
Additional Card Member, after the
applicable purchase has been made.
Your default selection for your rewards
option can be changed at any time on
your Amazon Account settings page,
which can only be accessed through the
Amazon Account that is associated with
your Card. It may take up to 48 hours
for such a change to take effect.
4. How you can earn % Back rewards
With 5-2-1 % Back rewards, you’ll earn:
5% Back on the first $120,000 you
spend in any calendar year on eligible
purchases made using your Card
Account at a designated Amazon
property when the % Back rewards
option applies. Once you reach this
$120,000 cap, for the remainder of the
same calendar year you will earn 1%
Back on all eligible purchases made
using your Card Account at designated
Amazon properties. At the start of
every calendar year, the $120,000 cap
will reset, and you will again earn 5%
Back on the first $120,000 in eligible
purchases made during the year when
the % Back rewards option applies. 5%
Back is earned only on purchases made
at designated Amazon properties. If
you choose Payment Terms on a
purchase, you will not earn % Back
rewards on that purchase, and the
amount of your purchase will not count
toward the $120,000 cap. 5% Back is
not earned on purchases from
merchants using Amazon Pay, or
Amazon Rewards Program Agreement
purchases made at any website or location that
is not a designated Amazon property. 5% Back
equals 5 points for each $1 spent, which
equates to $0.05 in % Back rewards. For
example, if you spend $100 using your Card
Account on an eligible purchase at a designated
Amazon property, you will earn 500 points,
which is equal to $5 in % Back rewards.
2% Back for each $1 spent on eligible purchases
in the following rewards categories: U.S. gas
stations, U.S. restaurants, and wireless
telephone services purchased directly from U.S.
service providers. 2% Back equals 2 points for
each $1 spent, which equates to $0.02 in %
Back rewards. For example, if you spend $100
using your Card Account on an eligible
purchase in one of these categories, you will
earn 200 points, which equates to $2 in % Back
1% Back for each $1 spent on all other eligible
purchases. 1% Back equals 1 point for each $1
spent, which equates to $0.01 in % Back
rewards. For example, if you spend $100 using
your Card Account on any other eligible
purchase, you will earn 100 points, which
equates to $1 in % Back rewards.
With 3-2-1 % Back rewards, you’ll earn:
3% Back on the first $120,000 you spend in any
calendar year on eligible purchases made using
your Card Account at a designated Amazon
property when the % Back rewards option
applies. Once you reach this $120,000 cap, for
the remainder of the same calendar year you
will earn 1% Back on all subsequent eligible
purchases made using your Card Account at
designated Amazon properties. At the start of
every calendar year, the $120,000 cap will
reset, and you will again earn 3% Back on the
first $120,000 in eligible purchases made during
the year when the % Back rewards option
applies. 3% Back is earned only on
purchases made at designated Amazon
properties. If you choose Payment
Terms on a purchase, you will not earn
% Back rewards on that purchase, and
the amount of your purchase will not
count toward the $120,000 cap. 3%
Back is not earned on purchases from
merchants using Amazon Pay or
purchases made at any website or
location that is not a designated
Amazon property. 3% Back equals 3
points for each $1 spent, which equates
to $0.03 in % Back rewards. For
example, if you spend $100 using your
Card Account on an eligible purchase at
a designated Amazon property, you will
earn 300 points, which is equal to $3 in
% Back rewards.
2% Back for each $1 spent on eligible
purchases in the following rewards
categories: U.S. gas stations, U.S.
restaurants and wireless telephone
services purchased directly from U.S.
service providers. 2% Back equals 2
points for each $1 spent, which equates
to $0.02 in % Back rewards. For
example, if you spend $100 using your
Card Account on an eligible purchase in
one of these categories, you will earn
200 points, which equates to $2 in %
Back rewards.
1% Back for each $1 spent on all other
eligible purchases. 1% Back equals 1
point for each $1 spent, which equates
to $0.01 in % Back rewards. For
example, if you spend $100 using your
Card Account on any other eligible
purchase, you will earn 100 points,
which equates to $1 in % Back rewards.
Amazon Rewards Program Agreement
When you earn 5% Back or 3% Back on designated
Amazon properties.
Your initial eligibility for 5% Back rewards is
determined by your Amazon Account. You will
be eligible to earn 5% Back at designated
Amazon properties if your Amazon Account has
an eligible Prime membership. You will be
eligible to earn 3% Back at designated Amazon
properties if your Amazon Account does not
have an eligible Prime membership. If your
Amazon Account has an eligible Prime
membership at the time of purchase, you will
be eligible for 5% Back rewards.
A second Amazon Account can be included in
determining the eligible Prime membership
status for your Card. The Basic Card Member
can authenticate an Amazon Business Account
(if they applied from an Account)
or Account (if they applied from
an Amazon Business Account). You will be
eligible for 5% Back rewards so long as either of
the authenticated Accounts has an eligible
Prime membership.
Please note that you can only have one and one Amazon Business
Account authenticated for your Card Account
at any given point in time, and you will need
to have an eligible Prime membership on at
least one of those Accounts in order to qualify
for the 5% Back.
How to see if your Card Account earns 5% Back or 3%
Back at designated Amazon properties.
To see if your Card Account earns 5% Back or 3% Back on
purchases at designated Amazon properties, follow these
sign into your Amazon Account;
visit “Your Account” page;
visit the “Manage Payment Options”
page under “Payment Methods”
section; and
expand the details of your credit Card.
The details of your credit Card will specify if your
Card Account earns 5% Back or 3% Back on
purchases at designated Amazon properties.
In accordance with the above terms, Amazon will
notify American Express at the time of each
purchase whether the purchase earns 5% Back or
3% Back.
“Eligible purchases are purchases of products
and services, minus returns and other credits.
Buying products and services with your Card
Account, in most cases, will count as an eligible
purchase; however, the following types of
transactions won’t be eligible for the Amazon
rewards option, won’t earn % Back rewards and
won’t be eligible for Payment Terms:
cash advances
travelers checks, foreign currency,
money orders, wire transfers
Cash-like transactions not made at
designated Amazon properties, such as
purchases or reloading of prepaid Cards
or person-to-person payments
lottery tickets, casino gaming chips,
race track wagers or similar betting
unauthorized or fraudulent charges
fees of any kind payable to American
Express (such as late payment fees,
Card Account annual fees, interest
charges and delinquency charges)
Purchases paid with points
Category Disclosure: Purchases made on a
designated Amazon property will be
Amazon Rewards Program Agreement
recognized as such and treated in accordance with the
terms of this agreement. Purchases made elsewhere
(including purchases made from a third-party vendor
operating at the same location as a designated Amazon
property) may not be categorized as you expect.
Merchants are typically assigned codes and
categorized based on what they primarily sell. A
purchase will not receive higher percentage % Back
rewards if the merchant's code is not eligible.
Purchases made through a third-party payment
Account or on an online marketplace with multiple
retailers (other than a designated Amazon property)
will not receive a higher percentage reward. A
purchase may not receive a higher percentage reward
if the merchant submits the purchase using a mobile or
wireless Card reader or if you use a mobile or digital
Ways to earn bonus points
We may offer you ways to earn bonus points through
the program or special promotions. You’ll find out
more about the number of bonus points you can earn
and any other terms at or before the time of each
eligible offer. The terms of this agreement will apply to
any such offer. If there is any inconsistency between
this agreement and the offer terms, the offer terms
will prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.
When % Back Rewards will appear in your Program
Generally, 5-2-1 % Back rewards and 3-2-1% Back
rewards will appear in your Program Account upon
receipt of your next payment following the eligible
transaction. However, timing may depend on when
American Express receives transaction data from
merchants and partners.
5. How you can use points
You can use points to redeem for any available
options. Options include eligible purchases at, Amazon Business, or towards a
charge on your statement.
You are responsible for how points are
used including if you allow anyone else
to access or use your points.
To use points, minimum and maximum
amounts may apply. We’ll let you know
about any minimum or maximum
amounts, as well as any additional
terms and conditions, before you use
Once points have been used, the
transaction is considered final and may
not be canceled unless otherwise
Applicable sales/use taxes, fees,
surcharges, and shipping and handling
charges are your responsibility.
Points are not your property. You can't
transfer points to any other person or
program Account. Additionally, points
can't be transferred by operation of
law, such as by inheritance, in
bankruptcy or in connection with a
6. Shop with Points at and Amazon
You (and any Additional Cardmember
who you have authorized to use points)
can use points for all or part of a
payment toward eligible purchases at and Amazon Business,
provided (i) your enrolled Card Account
is not past due, canceled or has a
returned payment outstanding
, and (ii)
you have sufficient points in your
program Account to cover the portion
of the purchase for which you are
paying with points. Your Card will be
automatically enrolled into the Shop
with Points program. If for any reason
Amazon Rewards Program Agreement
you are not automatically enrolled, you can
manually enroll at You
can authorize Additional Cardmembers to use
available points in your program Account by
contacting American Express using the number
on the back of your Card.
If you dont have enough points to pay for a
purchase at or Amazon Business,
you can pay the additional cost with your Card.
We may deduct the number of points that you
use for your or Amazon Business
purchase from your points balance when you
place your order. Your points balance may not
reflect pending transactions.
For valid returns or cancellations, points will be
credited as a statement credit on your Card,
and they will not be refunded to your points
balance unless you call American Express to
request a conversion of the statement credit to
You must contact Amazon to cancel a purchase
you made on or Amazon
Business), or to make any other changes to that
purchase, even if points were used to complete
that purchase.
Returns and refunds are subject to Amazon’s
New York Card Members can continue to use points
in these scenarios for at least 90 days by calling the
number on the back of their Card. “New York Card
Member” means a Card Member with a New York
billing address on a linked Card Account.
7. Using points for your charges
When you use points for your charges, you are using
points towards specific, eligible charges.
Who can use points for eligible charges
To use points for eligible charges, you must:
Be the Basic Card Member
Have an enrolled Card Account that is not
past due, canceled or has a returned
payment outstanding
Have at least 1,000 available points in your
Card Account
Account managers and Rewards managers may
be eligible to use points by calling the number on
the back of your Card but are not eligible to use
points online.
Eligible charges
American Express will present the eligible charges
you can use points towards, and we may change
which charges are eligible at any time without
notice. American Express is under no obligation
to make charges eligible for redemption using
Amazon Rewards points.
Generally, these charges meet the following
The charge must occur in the U.S. or in a U.S.
The charge must appear online in Recent
Activity or in your Current Statement
The charge has never been disputed
The charge must be at least $1
The charges cannot be current Payment
Terms transactions
The charges cannot have been paid for
previously with points
How to use points for your charges
You can use points for eligible charges in recent
activity or in your current statement at by clicking on the “Use
Points for Your Charges” link.
When you use points for an eligible charge, the
points will be deducted immediately from your
Amazon Rewards Program Agreement
program Account, and an accompanying credit will be
applied to your Card Account within 48 hours. You may
use points only toward the entire amount of an eligible
If a credit is processed after your Card Account's
statement closing date, it will appear in your next
statement. In any case, you are responsible for paying
the full amount due on your Card statement by the due
New York Card Members can continue to use points
in these scenarios for at least 90 days by calling the
number on the back of their Card. “New York Card
Member” means a Card Member with a New York
billing address on a linked Card Account.
8. Forfeiting and getting points back
For returning items purchased with your Card
If you return something that you purchased with your
Card, the statement credit you receive in your Card
Account will cause a corresponding deduction of points
from your program Account.
For returning purchases that you got with points
If you return any purchase for which you used Amazon
Rewards points and for which returns are permitted, your
points will be credited as a statement credit on your
Card, and they will not be refunded to your points
balance unless you call American Express to request a
conversion of the statement credit to points. This also
applies to orders that remain unfulfilled for 30 days.
For making late payments
If you don’t pay the amount due on your Card Account
statement by the date it is due, any points accrued from
that Card Account during the period covered by the
billing statement will not be earned and will not post to
your Rewards Account.
You can eventually earn these points, but first you must
make all required payments, then call the number on the
back of your Card to request the points. There is a $35
fee for each billing period and for each Card
Account for which you reinstate points. You must
request the points within 12 months of the billing
period in which you didn’t earn them.
Points can be reinstated only by the Basic Card
For cancelling your Account
If we cancel your Card Account for any of the
following reasons, you’ll forfeit all points in your
program Account except as noted:
If we cancel your Card Account due to
inactivity, you have 90 days to use points in
your program Account before they are
If we cancel your Card Account in the event
of your death, your executor or personal
representative may request to use the points
in your program Account in a one-time
redemption by calling us.
If we cancel your Card Account by accident,
points in your program Account will not be
If we cancel your Card Account for any other
reason (including bankruptcy or insolvency),
you’ll forfeit all points in your program Account.
If you voluntarily cancel your Card Account, but
you keep at least one American Express Card
Account open and is not past due or canceled,
you'll have up to 30 days from the date of
cancellation to use any points in your program
If you voluntarily cancel your Card Account and
you don't keep open any American Express Card
Accounts, all points in your program Account will
be immediately forfeited.
New York Card Members Only: New York Basic Card
Members receive 90 days from notification of Account
closure to redeem points. If you have any questions,
please call the number on the back of your Card for
Amazon Rewards Program Agreement
Negative point balance
In certain circumstances (for example, if points you
received for a purchase are reversed because you
returned that purchase and your point balance is
insufficient to cover the reversal; or, if we determine that
you are ineligible for an additional points incentive award
that you received and your point balance is insufficient to
cover the reversal of the incentive award) your point
balance can be negative. If this happens, any points you
receive thereafter will be applied first to the negative
balance, and you will not have points available for
redemption until your point balance becomes positive.
9. Other important information you should know
If we in our sole discretion determine that you have
engaged in abuse, misuse or gaming in connection with
earning or using points or that you may attempt to do so,
we may:
Take away all points in your program Account
Temporarily suspend your ability to redeem points
Temporarily suspend your ability to earn points
Cancel your program Account
Cancel any of your American Express Cards
All questions or disputes about program eligibility,
earning points or using points will be resolved solely by
American Express.
It is your responsibility to find out if you are liable for any
federal, state, or local taxes as a result of earning or using