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SF86 .......................................................................................................................................... 1
BEFORE YOU START .............................................................................................................. 2
HELPFUL TIPS ......................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 1 - INFORMATION ABOUT YOU ............................................................................. 3
SECTION 2 - YOUR HISTORY .................................................................................................. 4
WHERE YOU HAVE LIVED .................................................................................................................................... 4
YOUR EMPLOYMENT HISTORY .......................................................................................................................... 4
YOUR EDUCATION ................................................................................................................................................ 5
FORMER FEDERAL SERVICE .............................................................................................................................. 5
SECTION 3 - RELATIONSHIPS ................................................................................................ 5
YOUR MARITAL STATUS ...................................................................................................................................... 5
PEOPLE WHO KNOW YOU WELL ........................................................................................................................ 5
RELATIVES ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
SECTION 4 - CITIZENSHIPS .................................................................................................... 6
PASSPORTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
CITIZENSHIP .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
DUAL CITIZENSHIP/FOREIGN PASSPORT ......................................................................................................... 6
SECTION 5 - MILITARY HISTORY ........................................................................................... 6
SECTION 6 - FOREIGN ASSOCIATIONS ................................................................................ 7
SECTION 7 - FINANCIAL RECORD ......................................................................................... 7
SECTION 8 - SUBSTANCE USE .............................................................................................. 7
SECTION 9 - INVESTIGATION & CRIMINAL HISTORY .......................................................... 7
SECTION 10 - PSYCHOLOGICAL & EMOTIONAL HEALTH .................................................. 8
Purpose: A guide for filling out the Standard Form 86 (SF86) within eApp.
Note: The Subject eApp Guide is not intended to be a recap of every question on the standard forms,
rather an additional helpful tool to aid in the overall completion of the forms. Although this guide is
specific to the SF86, it may be useful in aiding the completion of the SF85 and SF85P.
The SF86 is a questionnaire for national security positions intended to be used for subjects seeking
positions that require a security determination. The SF86 may also be used as a basis for future
investigations and suitability for employment either for the Federal Government or working on a
Federal Government contract.
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The organization sponsoring the investigation may establish the amount of time to complete the form.
It is best to set aside time to complete the SF86, as it can take several hours. On average, the
estimated time to complete it is 150 minutes, which includes information and document gathering.
Begin as soon as possible to ensure the invitation does not expire.
Gather information to cover the requested period. For most sections, one will need information going
back 10 years. In most sections, the instructions state that one should not list information prior to
his/her 18
birthday unless two years’ worth of history must be provided. There are certain sections
that ask “if you have ever in your life, which are yes or no questions. Please read each section and
question carefully, as specific instructions will be provided if different than the 10-year requirement.
One should gather the following information:
Citizenship and identifying information for the applicant, the applicant’s spouse, immediate
family, or cohabitant, if applicable. This includes:
o US Passport
o Certificate of Citizenship (N560 or N561)
o Naturalization Certificate (N550 or N570)
o Certification of Report of Birth Abroad (DS1350)
o Certification of Birth (FS545)
o Consular Report of Birth Abroad (FS240)
Or proof of legal status within the US with expiration dates
o Permanent Resident Card (Green Card I-551)
o Employment Authorization Card (EAD Card I-766)
o US Visa
o I-94
o Unexpired Foreign Passports
Date and place of birth, date of death, if applicable, and physical address for immediate
relatives. Immediate relatives include:
o Mother/Stepmother/Mother-in-Law
o Father/Stepfather/Father-in-Law
o Child (including adopted/foster)/Stepchild
o Brother/Stepbrother/Half-brother
o Sister/Stepsister/Half-sister
o Guardian
Full name, complete physical address, phone number, and email address for three personal
references as well as for individuals who can verify the applicant at each physical address,
educational activity, and employment location.
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Previous physical residency addresses working back 10 years. Addresses prior to the
applicant’s 18
birthday are not required unless the applicant must provide two years of
Dates of attendance, diplomas/degrees(s) received, and school addresses for current/past
educational activity to include high school attended. One must provide school information for
the past 10 years. If the applicant did not receive a degree or diploma within this time period,
he/she will be asked to list the last school attended.
Dates of employment, work location(s), supervisor name, and contact information for
current/past employment activity going back 10 years.
Read instructions for each section carefully.
All sections must be completed and answered truthfully.
Ensure all dates follow the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Do not have any gaps in dates. For example, if time was taken off before starting a new job,
list the gap in activities as unemployment.
Avoid responses of “I do not know, “Unknown,” or “Not Applicable.”
Provide complete physical addresses (PO boxes are not allowed). Physical addresses are
where the applicant sets down at night and might not necessarily be one’s home of record.
Do not select the browser’s Back button. Use the section selections on the side to go back or
forward throughout the application.
Most importantly, once the form is fully completed, save a copy.
The applicant must provide his/her full, legal name, including middle name. If the applicant
does not have a middle name, select the “No Middle Name (NMN)” checkbox.
The applicant must provide his/her actual date of birth. Do not check the estimated” box
unless the birthdate is unknown.
A Social Security number must be provided. If the applicant does not have a Social Security
number, he/she must reach out to the organization requesting the investigation for a pseudo
Social Security number.
Provide all names used to include maiden names, name changes, all married names, and
aliases. If a closed adoption occurred and a new birth certificate was received, only the
adoptive name is required to be listed as this is now considered a legal birth name.
o Remember to include shortened versions of names such as “Jake” for “Jacob” or “Mike”
for “Michael.”
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Where You Have Lived
Create an entry for all addresses that served as a residence or mailing address beginning with the
present and working back 10 years.
Temporary residences of less than 90 days are not required to be listed if the residence
did not serve as a permanent mailing address.
If time was split between two residences, list both residences.
For military addresses, provide an APO/FPO address and complete unit information, if
A complete physical address must be provided. A PO box is not acceptable, as this is
not a physical location.
For entries within the last three years, provide a verifier to validate time at the residency.
Verifiers that aren’t acceptable to be listed here include relatives already required to be
listed and/or cohabitants.
Note: A cohabitant is someone whom the applicant shares bonds of affection, obligation, or other
commitment. In other words, this is someone with whom the applicant is involved in a romantic
relationship with but are not married to. A cohabitant is not a relative (parent or child) or a roommate.
Your Employment History
Provide employment and unemployment activities for the requested period beginning with the
present and working back 10 years.
o There must be no gaps in dates.
If the applicant has/had multiple jobs at the same time, dates can
“Student” or “Retirement” are not considered employment activities.
If the applicant is/was not working, provide an unemployment entry.
Unemployment and employment dates cannot overlap.
One cannot be unemployed and employed at the same time.
One is still considered unemployed even if not receiving benefits.
Note: The National Guard or Reserve Components are to be listed as an employment entry. Do
not create an unemployment entry if a member of the National Guard or Reserves and no other
employment is held during that time.
Military personnel should list each change of station to include deployments.
List different physical locations with the same employer as separate employment entries.
For remote work, list a home address as the physical work location, not the employer’s mailing
or physical address.
List mergers/acquisitions as separate employers.
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Your Education
Provide all schools attended during the last 10 years.
If no school was attended within the required period, provide the last school attended. If school
was not attended in person, select the “correspondence/distance/extension/online school”
Former Federal Service
This does not have a timeline requirement. Former federal service that occurred outside of 10
years should be included.
Your Marital Status
The applicant must provide his/her current marital status. Options include Never Married,
Married, Separated, Annulled, Divorced, or Widowed.
All former spouses are required to be listed, not just the most recent former spouse.
Provide requested information about the spouse/former spouse.
o Provide the spouse/former spouse’s complete name (including all previously used
names and names prior to marriage).
o Provide the spouse/former spouse’s Social Security number (if
If the applicant currently lives with a cohabitant, provide all requested information.
Note: A cohabitant is someone whom the applicant shares bonds of affection, obligation, or other
commitment. In other words, this is someone with whom the applicant is involved in a romantic
relationship with but are not married to. A cohabitant is not a relative (parent or child) or a roommate.
People Who Know You Well
These individuals should be friends, peers, colleagues, college roommates, associates, etc.,
who are aware of the applicant’s activities outside of the workplace, school, or neighborhood.
The association should cover at least the last 10 years.
Do not list a spouse, former spouse, other required-to-be-listed relatives, or anyone listed
elsewhere on the form.
Enter all known information on relatives. Reasonable efforts should be made to obtain date
and place of birth, as well as citizenship. A list of relatives and documentation requirements for
citizenship are listed in the beginning of this document.
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Input the most current passport information, regardless of whether the passport is expired or
current. The most recent expired passport is required to be inputted if a current passport is not
The applicant must provide his/her citizenship status. Required documentation is listed in the
beginning of this document.
If not a US citizen, provide supporting information including document numbers. If the place of
birth is not in the US, but a US citizenship is held, it must be reported how the citizenship was
obtained. Any individual born outside of the US has some process of obtaining US citizenship
even if born on a US military institution.
Dual Citizenship/Foreign Passport
Provide the following information if dual citizenship status is/was held:
o The country (not the US) where citizenship is/was held.
o Dates of citizenship.
o How the citizenship was acquired.
o List actions to renounce citizenship, if applicable.
o If a foreign passport is or was ever held, all current and expired foreign passports are
required to be inputted.
Selective Service
All persons born male after December 31, 1959, are required to register with the Selective Service
The applicant’s Social Security number is not the Selective Service number.
If Selective Service information is unknown, visit the Selective Service website
US Military
Status of service changes require a new entry. For example, transitioning from Active Duty to
Active Reserves and vice versa requires a separate entry.
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Foreign travel should match what is listed in a passport. However, list all foreign travel taken,
even if a stamp was not obtained during travel.
Foreign travel should only go back seven years.
Foreign contact questions may only request information going back seven
years. Some may ask if one has ever had a foreign contact. Please read
questions carefully.
o The applicant will be required to provide information on any questions
answered Yes.
List accounts individually. Some questions have several options and sub-questions, so one
question can have multiple answers with multiple explanations. Within each selection indicated
Yes, enter entries individually, versus together.
Any past due debts should include the following information:
o Reason.
o Amounts owed.
o Satisfied or not.
o Payment plan with creditor and when the debt will be paid.
Any filing of bankruptcy should go back seven years.
The timeframe required will be mentioned with each question.
Questions must be answered based on period requirements. Remember that substance
questions are based on federal, not state requirements.
Do not list a traffic ticket under $300 unless the incident involved drugs or alcohol.
Any felony, domestic violence, alcohol, drugs, firearms, or explosives charge is required to
be listed regardless of when it occurred.
All arrests and charged offenses within seven years must be listed. This is required even if
the charges were dropped or not convicted.
List all prior background investigations to include reinvestigations.
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Read each question carefully, as it states when questions should be answered Yes or No.
Some questions ask if the applicant has ever done something (not just in a limited period).
For any Yes answers, provide the following:
o The date of occurrence or treatment.
o The name and address of an ordering agency or physician.
o The disposition.
o If the matter was appealed.
o Whether admission was voluntary or not.
o The diagnosis.
o Whether the applicant is currently receiving treatment and, if so, at which location.
Any Yes answers require an Authorization for Release of Medical Information signature form.