Your pets are part of the family.
When unexpected accidents and
illnesses arise, having Embrace Pet
Insurance ensures you can accept your
vet’s recommended treatment plan
without worrying about the cost.
This Employee Benefit
Gets Two Paws Up
This guide will give you an overview of how pet insurance works so you can choose a
pet insurance company that is right for you and your furry family.
Not all pet insurance is created equal; there are dierences in what they cover, don’t
cover, cost, their customer service, how claims are paid, and more.
Embrace Pet Insurance oers one simple yet comprehensive policy that can be
personalized to fit any budget and covers every unexpected accident and illness.
Timing is Everything
No pet insurance company covers pre-existing conditions. Insuring your pets
when they are healthy ensures you’ll have coverage when you need it most.
We also cover anything that is new or unrelated to a pre-existing condition.
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When Boomer the Golden Retriever ran out of his back yard to
play with a neighbor dog, he ended up in the street where he
was hit by a car. His pet parents rushed him to the emergency
vet where he racked up several thousand dollars in vet bills
– and he still required ongoing treatment for rehab and
“When you’re going through the hardest time of your lives the
way we were, you need someone on your team to help you get
through it. And that’s what Embrace was for us. They were like
family,” said Boomers dad, Jerey.
Read Boomer’s Full Story
Actual vet bill:
Embrace reimbursed:
Bankrate’s Financial Security Index 2019
our family.
Embrace Pet Insurance’s Coverage
Embrace oers one simple yet comprehensive policy that can be personalized to fit any budget and
can be used at any vet – there are no networks. No matter how you customize the policy, you’ll
enjoy coverage for:
Accidents & illnesses
Dental illnesses up to $1,000
Breed-specific & genetic conditions
Cancer & related treatments
Chronic conditions
Congenital conditions
Alternative therapies & rehabilitation
What’s Not Covered
Pre-existing conditions
Breeding, pregnancy, & whelping
Routine veterinary care
Injury caused deliberately by the pet owner or any other person residing in their home
DNA testing or cloning
Injury or illness resulting from racing
, fighting, cruelty, or neglect
Cosmetic procedures such as tail docking, ear cropping, & dew claw removal
unless medically necessary
Avian flu or nuclear war
Behavioral therapy
Emergency veterinary care
Specialist care
Diagnostic testing
Hospitalization & surgery
Prosthetics & mobility devices
Prescription drugs
Dental illness is not covered in NY.
Alternative therapies covered for up to 12 weeks for covered conditions in most states. View our terms and condition for more information.
Prescription drug coverage is not automatically included in NY but can be added by endorsement.
Organized and professional racing is covered if you let us know that your pet is involved in that activity upon signup or when they become involved.
Why Pet Insurance?
Every six seconds, a pet parent is handed an emergency vet bill of $1,000 or more
and many of us are not financially prepared to aord the level of care that modern
veterinary medicine can provide. In fact, 60% of Americans have less than $1,000 in
their savings account.
Pet insurance removes the tough decision you may have to face if you can’t aord to get your
pets the lifesaving care they need.
6 Seconds
Boomers Car Accident
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Pre-existing Conditions Explained
A pre-existing condition is anything that has been diagnosed or has shown symptoms prior
to the start of coverage whether a pet was seen by a veterinarian for it or not. Unfortunately,
no pet insurance company covers pre-existing conditions.
A pet with pre-existing conditions can still be enrolled
in a pet insurance policy for conditions that are new and
unrelated to pre-existing conditions.
Curable vs Incurable Conditions
Embrace Pet Insurance handles pre-existing conditions dierently than other pet insurance
companies by distinguishing between curable and incurable pre-existing conditions.
Curable conditions are eligible for reevaluation of coverage once a pet is symptom- and
treatment-free for 12 consecutive months. These conditions include respiratory infections,
urinary tract infections, vomiting, diarrhea, and other curable conditions.
Incurable conditions are chronic conditions that would be permanently excluded from
coverage if a pet has shown symptoms of or was diagnosed with it prior to the start of
coverage. These conditions include diabetes, lipomas, urinary or bladder crystals or
blockages, hyper or hypothyroidism, and other chronic conditions.
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Why Embrace Pet Insurance?
There are many pet insurance companies out there and their dierences lie in the deTAILS.
Embrace Pet Insurance oers several dierentiators that make us stand out from the rest of the pack.
Flexible Wellness Plan
Wellness Rewards
is Embrace’s optional, non-insurance, preventative care plan
that reimburses for everyday veterinary, training, and grooming costs. It can be
purchased in addition to the insurance policy and works as a budgeting tool that
rewards you for being proactive with your pet’s care.
24/7 Pet Health Line
Embrace Pet Insurance has partnered with PawSupport to oer round-the-clock
decision support to policyholders for their pet health-related questions.
Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVTs) are available via phone, chat, and
video conference – even on holidays.
Personalized Policies
Embrace’s one comprehensive policy can be personalized to fit any budget.
We oer several annual deductible, annual maximum, and reimbursement
percentage options. No matter how the policy is customized, you will enjoy
coverage for exam or consultation fees, breed-specific and hereditary conditions,
alternative therapies and rehabilitation, prescription drug coverage
, and much more.
The Best Diminishing Deductible in the Industry
For each year you go without receiving an accident or illness claim
reimbursement, your annual deductible is reduced by $50 the following year
with our Healthy Pet Deductible.
MyEmbrace and Mobile App
You have 24/7 access to your Embrace Pet Insurance policy through your
MyEmbrace customer account that can be accessed on desktop and via the
Embrace Pet Insurance mobile app. Here you can add pets, adjust coverage,
submit and view claims, and much more.
Wellness Rewards is not available in Rhode Island. |
Prescription drug coverage is not automatically included in NY but can be added by endorsement.
How to Choose a Pet Insurance Company
Here are some questions to ask when choosing the company you’ll trust to protect your pets:
1. What is and is not covered?
Does the company oer one comprehensive policy or are there extra coverage charges for things like
hereditary conditions or alternative therapies? Embrace oers one policy to remove the guess work
when it comes time to submit claims.
2. Are genetic and breed-specific conditions covered?
Some pet insurance companies exclude coverage for conditions that a pet’s breed is more
susceptible to even if they didn’t have the condition before enrollment. For example, Labrador
Retrievers are prone to hip dysplasia and Boxers are prone to cancer. This is important even if
you have mixed-breed pets. Embrace does not have any breed-specific or genetic restrictions.
3. How are claims reimbursed?
Having pet insurance provides you with peace of mind that you can aord your vet’s
recommended care for your pets when the unexpected happens – make sure that the company’s
claim reimbursement method gets you the most back.
4. What about wellness care?
Pet insurance is for accidents and illnesses, but what about routine care expenses?
If reimbursement for those costs is important to you, look for a pet insurance
company that oers a wellness plan to pair with your insurance policy.
5. How is the company reviewed?
Check out third-party review sites like for honest customer feedback.
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The Cost of a Pet Insurance Policy
Pet insurance prices vary widely and are determined by pet-based factors and policy-based factors.
For pricing specific to your pet, get a real-time quote in minutes.
Pet-based Factors
• Species
• Sex
• Breed
Policy-based Factors
• Deductible
• Reimbursement percentage
• Annual maximum
• Optional coverages
Discount Opportunities
• Up to 10% Employee Benefits discount
• 10% multiple pet discount
Visit our discounts page for full details
Simplified Pet Insurance Claims
We don’t require you to jump through hoops to submit your claims for reimbursement –
it’s just a few easy steps.
1. Take Your Pet to Any Vet
There are no veterinary networks, so you are free to visit any veterinarian, specialist, or
emergency hospital in the US. Pet insurance is reimbursement-based – you pay the bill up
front and we reimburse the covered portion.
2. Complete the Claim Form & Get an Itemized Invoice
Have someone from the clinic or hospital fill out your Embrace claim form. Make sure you
get all pages of the itemized invoice that shows the total paid amount of the visit.
Pro tip: Ask your vet’s oce to keep a copy of the form in your pet’s file and keep some
in the glove compartment of your car so that you have it on hand.
3. Send it to Embrace
You can submit the claim form(s) and invoice via fax, email, mail, or
upload to MyEmbrace on your desktop or through the Embrace Pet
Insurance mobile app.
4. Get Reimbursed
We’ll confirm your claim via email and you can
track it through MyEmbrace every step of the way.
When covered claims are finalized, we can
reimburse you with a check in the mail or
through direct deposit.
Discount is not available in FL, HI, ND, & RI; Discount is 5% in TN.
Discount is 5% in NY & RI.
Get a FREE Quote in Seconds
• Age
• Location
Embrace has
pulled together a Pet
Insurance Buying Guide
to help you pick
the best plan.
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Discounts are subject to state regulations and may not be available in all states.
Pet health insurance is administered by Embrace Pet Insurance Agency, LLC and underwritten by one of the licensed insurers of American Modern Insurance Group,
Inc., including American Modern Home Insurance Company d/b/a in CA as American Modern Insurance Company (Lic. No 2222-8), and American Southern Home
Insurance Company. Coverage is subject to policy terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, underwriting review, and approval, and may not be available for all risks
or in all states. Rates and discounts vary, are determined by many factors, and are subject to change. Wellness Rewards is oered as a supplementary, non-insurance
benefit administered by Embrace Pet Insurance Agency in the United States. © 2020 American Modern Insurance Group, Inc.
Getting Started is Simple
Use this link to get a quote that includes your employer’s 10% discount
Sign up anytime. There is no “open enrollment” period and Embrace charges you
directly – your payment date will be the day that you sign up.
Make sure that your pet has had a full physical exam in the last 12 months (or since you
brought them home if they’re a new addition). If they haven’t, you’ll need to schedule one
within the first two weeks of your policy.
Embrace has a 14-day waiting period for illnesses and a 2-day waiting period for accidents.
Learn more about waiting periods.
Don’t delay – protect your pet today.
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