800-492-6116 Toll-free
Pet insurance is not health insurance for your pet, although at times, it sure sounds like it is. While
most of us consider our pets members of our families, legally they are personal property. That is
why pet insurance is considered a type of property and casualty insurance, like automobile and
homeowners policies, as opposed to a health insurance policy. Like your auto or homeowners
insurance policy, most pet insurance policies have a deductible, which is an amount you must pay
before the insurance company pays anything under the policy. Typically, pet insurance policies
require you to pay the vet for the service and then submit the bill to the insurance company for
reimbursement. Review your policy to determine if there are limitations or restrictions regarding
the amount you will be reimbursed. For example, some policies only pay for "the reasonable cost"
of medically necessary treatment, which may be less than what you paid for the treatment.
Previously, many pet insurance policies did not cover routine services, such as vaccinations or
elective services, such as spaying or neutering. Because the policies insured personal
property, they tended to only cover “accidental
occurrences or injuries.” Recently, some insurers have
issued policies that provide coverage for routine
procedures. This is called comprehensive coverage.
You will need to read the terms of the policy or speak
with a company representative to determine what
type of coverage the policy you select or are
considering purchasing provides. The cost of the pet
insurance policy will vary depending on the coverage
it provides. A comprehensive policy will cost more
than an accidental injury policy, as it covers more
types of care your pet receives.
1 Some pet insurance policies will require you to use a specific network of vets.
2 There are three types of pet insurance coverage: accident only, accident and
illness or accident, illness and wellness.
800-492-6116 Toll-free
Make sure you understand any pre-existing conditions and
breed specific condition exclusions that may be in your policy.
Generally pet insurance policies do not cover preventive care,
like vaccines, or wellness visits.
If you want to insure multiple pets, you will usually need a
separate policy for each.
Know your Annual Coverage limit. Typically this ranges from
$5,000 to an unlimited amount.
Typically, you pay your veterinarian directly, and submit the
bill to your insurer for reimbursement
The policy may provide for a cap or dollar limit on the amount the insurance company will pay on
a claim. This may apply to both emergency and sick visits, as well as preventive or routine care.
Some policies cap the reimbursement amount for extensive surgeries or after your pet reaches a
certain age. Companies often limit or even exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions. Upon
renewal, the company may deny further coverage for conditions previously treated under the
policy. Some common coverage exclusions are dental care not associated with an accident or
injury, treatment of behavioral problems and breed specific problems, such as hip dysplasia or
cataracts. Cosmetic surgery like declawing and tail docking are also typically not covered.
Different companies and policies have different provisions. You should be certain that you
understand exactly what you are purchasing and what your policy covers and what it excludes.
The premium for coverage will vary depending on the insurer, type of pet (dog, cat, etc.), breed of
pet, the level of coverage and policy deductible selected. If your pet suffers a serious injury or
illness, the policy can quickly pay for itself.
You can shop for quotes and view coverage provided under the various policies by visiting each
company’s website. You may contact the Maryland Insurance Administration at 410-468-2000 or
1-800-492-6116 for further information, including whether insurance companies and producers are
licensed to sell policies in the state or visit our website at insurance.maryland.gov.
3 A vet may have to examine your pet to certify its health before it can be insured.