3. From the Home page, select the View All Farm Loans link to access your
My Financial Informaon page.
4. Your My Financial Informaon page allows you to navigate your acve
loans, make an online payment, view paid in full loans, and an account
level summary. Using the down arrow under each loan, you can explore
loan details such as principal and interest balances, interest rates,
advances, and payments made on the loan. There is also a link at the
boom of the page to a printer-friendly year-to-date statement which
provides a breakdown of the amount of loan interest on each loan for the
calendar year, as well as ve years of historical informaon.
2. Select LOG IN I SIGN UP from the upper right-hand corner of the screen
to access your farmers.gov account.
2. A Login.gov account. Login.gov is a sign in service that gives people secure
online access to parcipang government programs.
3. Identy vericaon. You can choose to verify your identy online or in-
person at a USDA Service Center.
How to access My Financial Information on Farmers.gov
1. Access farmers.gov from your browser. The recommended browsers to
use are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microso Edge.
Agricultural producers with farm
loans from USDA can now view
informaon on acve and past
loans and make an online payment
through farmers.gov. The Pay My
Loan self-service tool is available
24/7 and makes it easier for
borrowers to make an online
payment, and track loan payment
history and loan advances. The tool
prevents borrowers from having
to mail or drop o a check and
make trips or calls to their USDA
service center.
My Financial Information
The My Financial Informaon page on
the farmers.gov site enables individual
producers to view loans, make an online
payment, view interest payments, loan
history, paid-in-full and restructured loans,
and view account alerts. To access your loan
informaon, follow the instrucons.
What is needed to access My
Financial Information
on Farmers.gov?
Access to the My Financial Informaon
feature is limited to customers who
have a farmers.gov account (Level 2
eAuthencaon). If you do not have an
exisng farmers.gov account, you will need:
1. A USDA individual customer record. A
customer record contains informaon
you have given to USDA to do
business with them, like your name,
address, phone number, and any legal
representave authority relaonships.
Login to View Information on Current and Past USDA Farm Loans
and to Make an Online Payment
User Guide for Accessing Loan
Information and Online Payments
The Disclaimer can be closed out by clicking
on the “X” in the upper right corner.
Make a Payment
1. When the Make a Payment buon is selected a new
browser tab is opened and the Pay My Loan (PML)
page is displayed. Provided here is informaon on
what you can do in PML, and helpful informaon on
After Login
You can do the following:
1. Make an online payment by clicking on Make a
Payment buon.
2. View your acve loans in summary, and detailed
view by clicking on the down arrow to expand the
loan card.
3. View Loans Paid in Full by selecng this link.
4. Accounts Summary provides consolidated totals at
the account level for Total Payo, Interest Accrued
balances, Total Principal Balances, and Year to Date
Interest Paid on all loans.
5. Selecng the Interest Paid Statement buon will
go to a summarized printer- friendly year-to-date
statement which provides the amount of interest
paid on each loan for a selected calendar.
Note: You must select a source of funds opon as the
Connue buon will remain disabled unl a selecon
is made.
4. Once the payment opon informaon is completed,
you must now select the applicable source of funds
being used to make this payment. As you select, the
view will be expanded, and addional informaon
will be displayed to explain how the payment
will be applied to your account; regular or extra.
Also explained is how the payment will either be
applied to your installment amount due or if it will
reduce the overall balance but will not impact the
installment amount due.
Note: You must select from the opons provided
as the Connue buon will remain disabled unl a
selecon is made.
3. Click on the corresponding Make Payment buon
for the loan you want to pay. This will bring you to
the Payment Opons where you will enter or select
how much you want to pay on the selected loan.
2. A list of acve loans will be displayed in the Select
Loan secon. The Select Loan secon displays all
your acve loans where payments can be made.
Loan informaon includes and is as of the date you
are logged in to PML:
Loan number and type – Number assigned by
FSA and types include Operang credit, Farm
Ownership credit, Emergency credit, Soil and
Water credit.
Next Installment Amount Due – This is the
installment balance remaining by the Next
Installment Due Date.
Next Installment Due Date – This date tells you
when the installment is due based on your loan
repayment installment schedule.
Total PayoAmount Due – This is the payo
amount calculated as of the current date displayed
in the disclaimer nocaon
View Mulple Loans – If you have more than ve
(5) loans you’ll be able to quickly view and jump
between them.
6. You will need to complete and conrm the
payment amount details and select your
payment method. For the payment amount
you can either pay the Total Current Amount
Due shown or pay a dierent amount. Note:
The Other Amount entered can’t exceed the
Total Current Amount Due shown; amount
entered must be less than that.
Select in the payment amount details, either
the full amount of the bill or enter a dierent
amount that does not exceed the total bill
Then select a payment method, either using
your Bank Account or a Debit Card. Click the
Connue buon to proceed to the next step.
Once a bill is selected the Make Payment buon is enabled
and you may proceed to the next step.
Informaon in the expanded view includes if this is an extra
or regular payment as well as the loan type:
5. PML will create a bill for the payment amount
you selected. On the next step you can view any
outstanding bills that exist for your account.
There is a Details link that corresponds to each
bill. Selecng this link expands the view of the bill
Note: You must select a bill as the Connue buon will
remain disabled unl a selecon is made:
Once a selecon is made, the Connue buon becomes
enabled and you may proceed to the next step.
In this example the choice made lets you know that the funds being used to make this payment was from proceeds received
when the loan security was sold.
This will be applied as an extra payment on this loan and will not be applied against the installment amount due.
If errors are detected an error message will be displayed
and the eld border will change from blue to red:
As elds are successfully completed the border color
changes from blue to green:
There is a selecon list for the Account Type:
Note the helpful informaon displayed to
indicate where to look on your check for the
locaon of the roung and account numbers.
Some things to note on this step:
7. Based on the payment method selected as Bank
Account, the next step is to enter your bank
account informaon. Complete all the required
elds on this page. Once completed, click the
Connue buon to proceed to the next step.
fsa.usda.govUSDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
8. Once the payment is submied you will receive
conrmaon that the payment was successful and
be able to view and print your receipt. Select the
Click here link to view and print your receipt.
Select the Print buon to print your receipt. Once
completed you may close out the popup display.
You will be returned to the payment conrmaon
screen where you can select to pay another bill or
exit the process.
Click the Connue buon to submit the payment.
You are then required to review and conrm the summary of
payment informaon and agree to the Pay.gov authorizaon
and disclosure statement by marking the checkbox. If you don’t
agree to the authorizaon and disclosure, you will not be able to
proceed to submit your payment as the Connue buon will not
be enabled for selecon.
Once all required entries are completed, click the
Connue buon to proceed to the next step.