Steps to Submitting a Strong Package
David W. Hughes
Professor-Greever Endowed Chair in Agribusiness
University of Tennessee Extension,
Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
Value Added Producer Grant Training
January 25, 2021
Why Apply?
Who Have Received Value Added Producer
Grants (VAPG)?
Overview of VAPG Application
Project Scoring
Why Apply for VAPG?
The funding:
Implement your dream
Test new ideas with less personal financial risk
Increase profitability
The information you collect may prove useful regardless
of whether you get funded
Facilitates collaborations
Facilitates access to resources
Evaluating your ideas
Developing a business plan (and feasibility study
Accessing other funding (other grants, loans)
Where has Value Added Producer Grants
(VAPG) Gone?
Mostly Not to Tennessee
Changing that is reason for this
2001-2010: Only 8 States Behind Tennessee
0.5 per year
Source: CooperAg
Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia
Awards, FY 2016
Source: Author calculations
Growth: Tennessee Awards by Fiscal Year 2014-20
Source: TN USDA-RD
Catching UP with Neighbors! GA, VA,
and TN Awards in 2020
FY 2015, 2018 National Awards
Type Number
Percent Average
Working Capital
Source: VAPG NSAC Training PowerPoint; Intertribal Agriculture Council
FY 2018 Awards: The Key is an Eligible
556 submitted
378 eligible (68%)
66% (249 of the 378) of eligible
submissions received funding!
Over half (178 out of 307) of those denied
funding due to being ineligible
Source: VAPG NSAC Training PowerPoint
This Round
Total funds available for this round is at least $33 million
Electronic applications must be received before
midnight March 16, 2020
To register go to the this link:
Paper applications must be post marked by March 22, 2020
Hand delivered to field office there March 22 by closing time
Few weeks in advance USDA-RD will review draft application
Encouraged to contact your Tennessee Office of US Department of Rural
Development if seriously considering an application
441 Donelson Pike #310
Nashville, TN 37214.
Voice: (615) 783-1300 Fax: (855) 776-7057
Their agency is the decision maker!
Regional Offices and Contacts
Two Types:
1. Planning Grants
2. Working Capital
Both Require 1 to 1 match
Apply for $125,000
Document $250,000 project
You source” $125,000
Planning Grants
For applicants who have not completed the required planning activities
Can support feasibility study, business plan, marketing plan.
funds may be used to hire planners, lawyers, accountants, or other
qualified consultants to complete the planning activities and related
Feasibility Study:
a report by an independent third-party that analyzes a business venture’s prospects for
It impartially lays out the features of the business plan & critiques them, analyzing the
strengths & weaknesses of the venture, & assessing its overall feasibility.
Usually for 12 months
Cap on planning grants is $75,000
Working Capital Grants
Applicants must have completed planning activities:
Business plan & financial projections required
Exception is simplified version (next slide)
Funds can go to:
Marketing and advertising expenses
legal expenses of organizing the venture
design an accounting system
implement a marketing program
Certain operating or processing costs (such as salaries, supplies)
including some inventory (raw product)
Can be up to 36 months but as little as 12 months
Based on demonstrated project need
Must show all grant and matching funds will be spent within the
designated timeframe
Cap on Working capital is $250,000
Simplified Working Capital Grants
Feasibility study & business plan not required
But must still show increase in customer base
& revenues
Simplified version capped at under $50,000
Overview of Grant Application Process
Based on Application Template
USDA Website
Click on
To Apply
Scroll down for Application Toolkits
7 Sections
Appendix A-E.7 (but at least several of these you can skip,
which ones depends”)
Appendix F. Alcohol Products
Appendix G. Hemp
Optional Feedback
First Register for:
1. DUNS Number, 2. SAM 3. GRANTS.GOV
DUNS number
Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) provides a D-U-N-S Number, a unique nine
digit identification number, for physical location of your business
D-U-N-S Number assignment is FREE for all businesses required to
register with the US Federal government for contracts or grants.
New DUNS created within 1-2 business days.
System for Award Management Registration (SAM)
Can take up to 10 days!
GRANTS.GOV (for electronic submission)
Same Day
The 7 Sections
Required forms
Section 1 Summary Information
Section 2 Executive Summary
Section 3. General Eligibility Requirements
Section 4. Applicant Eligibility
Section 5. Project Eligibility
Section 6. Evaluation Criteria
Section 7. Matching Funds
The 4 Required Standard Forms
Form SF-424 Instructions
Form SF-424, “Application for Federal Assistance”
Form SF-424-A Instructions
Form SF-424A, “Budget Information”
Form SF-424B, “Assurances”
Form AD-3030, “Representations Regarding Felony Conviction and Tax
Delinquency Status for Corporate Applicants”
Template Summary Information
Sections 1
Basic Information
Legal Name, DUNS, EIN, SAM,
Applicant type
Raw agricultural commodity, value-added product
Purpose: Planning or Working Capital
Amount requested
End and starting date of grant
Check Reserved funds IF Applicable!
Check Priority points IF Applicable!
Name, Affiliation of preparer
Section 2: Executive Summary
(more detailed description)
1. legal name of applying entity,
2. Planning or working capital
3. Applicant type
4. Amount requested
5. Project summary
6. project goals
7. How you intend to use the grant funds.
Section 2: Executive Summary
Great Summary Statement
“Creating and marketing value-added products has the
potential to significantly enhance our farm's profitability.
Our $125,000 in working capital funds will help pay for
processing, marketing, distribution, and sales of our pasture-
raised chickens and eggs, as well as microgreens that we
$125,000 in working capital funds will be used to pay labor
costs to produce artisan cheeses from organic milk and for
packaging, labeling, and promotional (new website and
product labels) expenses.
Achieves the project goal of increasing sales and profits!
Shows how you intend to use funds
State Your Qualifications
State name of your farm-organization in first sentence of the
Emphasis appropriate experience, training
Harry and Hannah Jones, owners of TN Hemp Farm, are
beginning farmers ( extra points!)
Harry is a former University of Florida Extension Agent with 20
years experience
Hannah is a member of the U.S. Angus Association and raised
show cattle for 12 years
They started farming in 2012 and planted their first hemp crop
in 2015
They both have degrees in Agricultural & Resource Economics
at UT and have completed CPA Value-Added Training
Section 3. General Eligibility
Mostly a series of check boxes regarding
citizenship and other topics.
Remember to include Appendix B materials
regarding legal standing.
E.g. Articles of incorporation
For sole proprietors/independent producers
include a copy of your farm IRS document showing
farm income
Section 4. Applicant Eligibility
Check a series of boxes:
We produce the raw input to be transformed through day-
to-day field operations (i.e. we are farmers)
Produce and own >50% of the raw input to be processed
Are not contract producers for others
Maintain ownership throughout processing (except Mid-
Tier Value Chain)
Independent Producer
Participates in day-to-day labor, management, field
Grow sweet corn by applying typical agronomic practices
on a daily basis throughout growing season and market
final crop that I own
Section 5.1 Project Eligibility
Name input (raw agricultural product)- hemp
for Hannah and Harry
Name value-added product hemp oil &
animal feed as by-product
Section 5.2 Project Eligibility: Value-
Added Agricultural Product Methodology
Another very important section
Indicate at least one value added methodology that
best fits your value-added products
Change in Physical State (explain the process in some
The process for generating hemp oil from hemp is well
established and is currently legal in Tennessee and many other
states. The process is both legally and technically feasible. First
you must clean the seeds from hemp stalk and other fibers after
harvest. Second a cold press is applied to effectively crush the
seed-flowers and extract the oil….
Section 5.2 Continued
Produced in a Manner that Enhances the Value of
the Agricultural Commodity-a non-standard method
of production that adds value
Primarily an organic crop (such as organically grown tomatoes) that
receive a higher price than conventionally grown tomatoes
Would need to demonstrate with price data
Product (Physical) Segregation (non-GMO corn separate from
GMO corn)
Farm-Ranch-based Renewable Energy (must have primary
crop input- such as dairy manure => methane => electricity)
Locally-produced Agricultural Food Product
Demonstrate would be sold in local food market (in-state or 400 miles)
Demonstrate local outlets (such as farmers markets), local demand
Section 5.3 Expanded Customer and
Increased Revenue
You must cite one or more relevant sources to
support the response statements and data below.
Responses must be supported by project-specific
analysis, such as a feasibility study, marketing
plan, or business plan developed for the project
and included with this application;
or, for working capital applications that do not
require submission of a feasibility study or
business plan, responses must identify a relevant
authority source or independent basis for the
response data provided.
Section 5.3 Expanded Customer and
Increased Revenue: More Revenue
Discuss the estimated amount of the
increased revenue resulting from the value-
added product that will be available to the
applicants producers of the agricultural
commodity, including a baseline of current
revenues from the sale of the agricultural
commodity or value-added product, and an
estimated target number of increased
revenues that will result from the project
Section 5.3 Expanded Customer and
Increased Revenue: More Customers
Discuss the estimated expansion of customer
base resulting from the value-added product,
including a baseline of current customers for
the commodity or value-added product, and
an estimated target number of customers that
will result from the project
Section 5.3 Describe Benefits
Per the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018,
working capital applicants must include a
description of the direct
or indirect producer
or food business benefits
intended by the
eligible entity to result from the proposed
project within a reasonable period
of time
after the receipt of a grant.
Describe the Benefits Example
The direct producer benefits intended include
increased sales revenue, profit and growth. We
expect to see an impact on valued customer growth
and sales within four months of grant award
extending indefinitely.
Indirect benefits include increased jobs, taxes paid
and demand for grapes.
Grape growing and the establishment of wineries
are also helping to diversify local economies and
keep land in agricultural production as some crops
become less viable.
State Direct
State Indirect Benefits
State Indirect Benefits
Section 5.4: Purpose Eligibility and Use
of Funds
Amount requested fill-in
Use of Funds Check boxes
Work Plan and Budget
a. Grant Period Eligibility
Up to 36 months from starting date depending
on complexity
Your project activities should begin within 90
days of the date of award.
Section 5.4: Check Emerging Market Box
Demonstrate that grant and matching funds focus on a new
product and/or new geographic or demographic markets
I/We have not supplied the proposed product, geographic
or demographic market for more than two years at time of
application submission.
I/We have included complete copies of a third-party,
project-specific feasibility study and business plan related
to the processing and/or marketing of my value-added
product in Appendix C. This grant project proposes to
implement the venture as outlined in the feasibility study
and business plan documents.
Name of person completed and date for feasibility study
Name of person completed and date for business plan
Feasibility Study and Business Plans: Very
Important Requirements for Emerging Market
We have included complete copies of a third-
party, project-specific feasibility study and
business plan related to the processing and/or
marketing of my value-added product in
Appendix C.
This grant project proposes to implement the
venture as outlined in the feasibility study and
business plan documents.
Feasibility Study Parts
Market Analysis
Site, layout, facilities
Plant and equipment (cost structure)
Production and marketing plan
Financial plan
Section 5.4: or Check Market
Expansion Box
Grant and matching funds focus on supporting sales to
new customers, with a resulting expansion in customer
base and revenue returned to producers. Market
expansion applicants can demonstrate that the focus is
on new customers by including:
Demonstration that the project will result in an
expansion of number of customers for the proposed
project with resulting increased revenues returned to
participating producers.
Detailed workplan, budget, and scoring criteria
discussion of project components focusing on
identification and attraction of new customers.
Market Expansion: Feasibility Study
Not Required
Can have a feasibility study
Can substitute a business plan or a marketing
More Revenue, More Customer
Cite industry reports, academic studies, or your own
records to support
Industries studies (Pepper, 2020) indicate that the
demand for hemp oil has grown by …. Since 201x and is
projected to grow by…. By 2025
Based on national data (Hemp U.S.A.), we estimate the
number of Tennessee customers using our hemp oil
will be 2,000 (from a base of 0) based on our estimated
level of production and projected demand growth
leading to at least $100,000 in revenue (from a base of
$0) based on projected production of 2,000 gallons at
$50 per gallon.
Work Plan (WP) Narrative and Budget
Clear and concise budget
Tie project activities to the budget
Work Plan and Budget Specifics
1. Describe how eligible activities will go to meeting
project goals
2. Show budget allocations for eligible activities
3. Identify key personnel for conducting or
overseeing activities
4. Provide a timeframe for completing activities
5. Show how grant and matching funds are used to
support activities
6. Grant period timeline meeting starting and ending
date requirements
WP: Key Personnel Activities Meeting Goals
Webpage designed to enhance hemp oil sales will be
constructed by Dr. Jane Smith for sales growth of hemp oil;
Harry Jones will oversee activity
An advertising firm will be hired to market hemp oil hence
facilitating market growth; Hannah Jones will oversee activity
WP: Budget Allocated to Specific Activities &
How Funds Are Used
$5,000 will go to Dr. Smith for new website
Advertising firm will be paid $10,000 for marketing activities
(advertising in industry magazines for example)
WP Provide Timeframe for Completing
May 1 2020: Initial meeting with Dr. Smith
regarding webpage design
June 1 2020: Following up meeting with Dr.
Smith regarding progress of webpage work
August 1 2018: Draft version of webpage
provided by Dr. Smith
Thinking Through Work Plan
Time Who Action
May 1-May
31 2020
Dr. Jane Smith,
Hannah Jones, Harry
Evaluation made of appropriate websites and preliminary
results provided to Hannah and Harry Jones
May 1-July
31 2020
Smith Construction of website for marketing hemp oil
Project Budget Summary Example
Activity #
Task Name,
Description, and
Responsible Party
Start Date End Date
Dr. Smith
May 1,
1, 2020
$15,000 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000
TOTAL PROJECT $15,000 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000
Task Budget Summary Example
(Must Provide a Budget for each Task)
Task #1 Market Analysis Study
VAPG Grant
Personnel (Including Contractual) $12,000 $3,000 $7,000 $22,000
Fringe Benefits
$0 $0 $0 $0
Travel $500 $500 $0 $1,000
Other (specify) $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTAL PROJECT $12,500 $3,500 $7,000 $23,000
Section 6 Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
Proposal Evaluation/Scoring Criteria
Nature of the Proposed Venture
Qualifications of the Project Personnel
Commitments and Support
Work Plan and Budget
Priority Points (if applicable)
Section 6.1 Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
Number of jobs generated or saved
Discuss how this is done:
The increased production and sales of 25 percent annually over the
three year period of the grant at hemp operation is expected to
create and/or save 5 FTEs; a 100 percent increase in current
How to calculate FTEs included in form
From section 5.3
Current customer baseline
Anticipated expansion of customer base
Current baseline revenue
Anticipated increase in revenue
Include practical and/or logistical activities and tasks to be
accomplished (use work plan)
Section 6.1 Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
Provide at least 1 performance evaluation criteria
Working capital examples:
Is project serving targeted customers?
Have projected increases in revenue been realized?
Project outcomes related to special topics met? (meeting
local food needs)
Planning examples:
Has a projected return on investment been estimated?
Did feasibility study evaluate economic, market, technical,
financial, management feasibility aspects?
Section 6.1 Continued
3) Provide at least one performance evaluation
criterion for your grant project to be evaluated by, if
awarded funds. (One of the below)
Is the project serving the targeted customer market
described in the business plan?
New TN customers
Has the project realized the expected commitments
from new customers?
2,000 new customers
Has the project realized the expected increase in
revenues for its agricultural producers?
$100,000 increase in revenue
Nature of Proposed Venture
(30 points)
Work Plan and Budget
(20 points)
Qualifications of Project Personnel
(20 points)
Commitment and Support
(10 points)
Priority Points
(10 points)
USDA can award 10 more points to
a given project based on program
funding priorities
6.2 Project Evaluation Scoring:
The Agency selects and ranks applications based
on responses to 5 criteria
Priority Points
One of six Priority Categories (check only one)
Beginning, Veteran, Socially Disadvantaged Farmer or
Mid-Tier Value Chain Project
Small-medium size family farm, ranch
Farmer or Rancher Cooperative
Group Applicant
Producer group or majority controlled, cooperative
AND creates or increases marketing opportunities for
beginning, social disadvantaged, or small-medium farms
Administrator Priority (awarded by RD)
Nature of the Proposed Project
(30 points)
Most important component
Clearly describe your goals
Support goals with published data or other 3-
party information
Prior experience producing or marketing
value-added or similar products
Indicate experience with similar markets or
successful ventures
Nature of the Proposed Project (30 points)
Technological Feasibility:
Discuss the process, potential markets, distribution channels
Discussed technical feasibility based on similar products and/or
markets, published data, and other 3-party information
Operational Efficiency
Use experience, data or information, to describe or layout
operational efficiency; discuss how the process works and any
Any anticipated challenges or risk
third-party data references, trends, industry-norm or formula,
your experience with similar products or markets
Economic Sustainability
Expected future viability; describe known risk factors and what
might be required to sustain future effort
Nature of the Proposed Project
2330 points:
All criterion components are well addressed
Supported by third-party information (cite
studies & have a bibliography)
Demonstrate a high likelihood of success
Qualifications of Project Personal
(20 points)
Identify everyone responsible for managing and
performing work plan tasks including a summary
of qualification and expertise
Describe their roles, responsibilities,
Include education obtained
Past and current professional experience
Relevant training
Especially want to include items indicating
agricultural experience
Qualifications of project personal
1520 points:
All personnel demonstrate strong, relevant
credentials or experience, and availability
Indicating a high likelihood of project success
Commitments and Support (9-10 points)
Independent Producer (1-2 points)
Number and nature (level and quality) of commitment
End Users (Customers): (2 points)
Potential or identified markets discussed in proposal
a letter(s) of support indicating the need for the product
Tie this support to your proposed activities
Third-Party providers:
Technical or necessary help that they give, level and
a letter indicating their willingness to provide the technical
support as outlined in the proposal
They need to state qualifications in the letter
You need to highlight their qualifications in proposal
Nature and quality of Commitment (points for cash match)
All in-kind 1 point
Both 2 points
All cash 3 points
Commitments and Support
7–10 points:
Show strong financial commitment to the project
in the form of cash matching contributions
Participation from additional producers
Measurable commitment or interest from multiple
Commitment or tangible support from multiple
third-party contributors
Work Plan and Budget (20 Points)
1520 points:
Provide a clear, comprehensive work plan
Detailing all project goals, tasks, timelines,
costs, and responsible personnel in a logical
and realistic manner
Demonstrating a high likelihood of success
Administrator Priority Categories
(10 points)
If eligible and documented up to 10 extra points
Improves geographic diversity and/or, foster persistent
poverty counties and/or help reduce unemployment
Must have never received a VAPG
Discuss how workplan-budgets support 1 of 5 areas:
Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural America
Improving Quality of Life
Supporting a Rural Workforce
Harnessing Technological Innovation
Economic Development
Section 7. Matching Funds Verification
Appendix D.1 Verification of Matching Funds:
(List where is cash match)
Appendix D.2 Verification of Matching Funds:
Describe your use of loan/line of credit
Lender must sign!!!!!
Appendix D. 3 Verification of In-Kind
Verification of In-Kind (D3.-D5)
Nature of donated goods-service and how
Justified value of good-service
When good-service will be donated (specific
You or family members can’t be over 25%
Must do 7 steps for family members or others
One-One: The applicant must provide matching funds at least equal to the
grant amount in either cash or other confirmed funding commitments
Match effort: its better to err on the side of conservative than it is to seek
out every penny as a match
Remaining eligible
Less paperwork
Can use in-kind as match
Same criteria for match as for spending of funds
If it is a disallowed expenditure for the grant, then it can’t use it as a match
Infrastructure, including machinery, is not allowed as in-kind match
But, cash match scores higher than in-kind
A portion of match as cash usually a good idea
In-Kind as Match
Matching funds cannot come from other federal grants.
Must be verifiable
Use market rates
Don’t over-value: church hall for meeting space, usually free so don’t put $
value on it. You have to show that it usually costs something
Can donate your time (or someone else’s):
for example, for feasibility study consultant provides extra work as match
When paying for services such as consultation, you must document that
the rate is what the service provider normally receives (or must defer to
IRS set standards for the service)
Working capital: raw materials can be used as a match
Can use in-kind (i.e., crops that you grew)
For a cidery, value of apples that you grew can be used as match
Priority Points Appendix E
Check one if possible
If eligible and documented 5 extra points
Beginning Farmer or Rancher (under 10 years)
Veteran Farmer or Rancher
Socially Disadvantaged Farmer or Rancher
Operator of a Small- or Medium-Sized Family Farm-grossing less
than $1,000,000 annually 3 years prior to application
Farmer or Rancher Cooperative
Mid-Tier Value Chain Project- for example “farm to school” alliance
Appendix E: Reserved Funds
Reserved Funds (10% of total $s “initially reserved):
Beginning Farmer or Rancher (under 10 years)
Socially-Disadvantaged Farmer or Rancher
Mid-Tier Value Chain Project
10% of reserved funds are also set aside for
applicants located in persistent poverty counties
Campbell, Cocke, Fentress, Grundy, Hancock,
Johnson, Lake, Scott
NOT the same list as the 19 distressed and 33 at
risk counties used by TDA!!!!
Tennessee historic low levels of funding, but
that has changed!
Start early, do registrations now
Contact Tennessee Office, USDA-RD now!
Use template
Lots of work, But, can be worth the effort!
Value Added Producer Grants, USDA Rural Development
7 CFR § 4284.926 - Ineligible uses of grant and Matching Funds.
Farmers’ Guide to Applying for the Value-Added Producer Grant Program
20179-2020 Cycle
Questions, Comments,
Thank You!
David W. Hughes