173 Pierce Avenue
Macon, GA 31204
Telephone: 478-555-1234
E-mail: henry.a.force@mydomain.com
Vacancy Identification Number: NWA-WR-2007-0125
Job Title and Grade: Information Technology Officer, GS-2210-12/13
Over nine years of experience in designing, implementing and administrating cutting-edge, cost-efficient
solutions. Superior technical and management abilities include communication technology,
hardware/software acquisitions, LAN/WAN management and training.
Systems Analysis & Design: Collaborated in the design and implementation of the Corps Battle Simulation
training system which delivered several real-time scenarios in support operations preparation. Planned and
implemented new information systems structure increasing data access capabilities ten-fold.
Project Management: Selected to serve as a student-contractor on a critical information systems upgrade project
at Fort Belvoir. Conceived and implemented a project expansion plan that increased user capacity to over 1,000.
Negotiated an expedited overseas shipping agreement with Dell which reduced system down times.
Oral and Written Communications: Wrote numerous technical documentations in non-technical language.
Presented formal and information oral information sessions to executive leadership. Provided supplemental
information to executive leadership required to render final decisions on operational direction.
Leadership: Highly regarded by superiors, colleagues and subordinates. Set high performance standards for self
and direct reports, including time management, work assignments and procedure compliance. Exemplary oral,
written and presentation skills and ability to communicate with all levels.
Information Management Officer
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
6/2005 to present
55H / Wk
Salary: $95,000 PA
Supervisor: Lee Adams
Coordinate the
local and overseas deployment of up to 150 military and civilian government contractors tasked
with implementing technological solutions at key military bases worldwide.
· Or
ate the procurement, deployment and licensing of all systems and related hardware, software and data
communications as allocated through a $100K annual budget.
· Manage over $48M worth of inventoried equipment, including desktops, laptops, various hardware
peripherals, and software packages; maintain stringent item control tracking item whereabouts and usage.
· Lead a team of four technicians in performing complex repairs and upgrades, and configuring new hardware.
· Established an expedited parts and service shipping agreement with Dell Computers which assured rapid
response and availability of replacement parts at overseas locations.
· Collaborated in the negotiation of a leased T-1 line used to establish a vital connection between remote
locations and headquarters.
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· Supervised the installation and operation of a 400-node local area network encompassing 10 remote locations.
· Planned and implemented information systems structure for large-scale command seminar; increased existing
communication and data access capabilities ten-fold.
· Established critical network operations in austere conditions; interfaced with the Joint Warfighting Center to
identify and allocate available technology to support a major training event.
· Collaborated in design and implementation of the Corps Battle Simulation system which delivered several
critical training scenarios in support of combat operations.
· Orchestrated the efforts of a major contractor tasked with upgrading and enhancing the us.army.mil web site.
· Pr
ide technical expertise in the planning and delivery of training seminars, and live and field exercises
which simultaneously involve thousands of participants.
· Author technical documents and user support materials for divisions intranet site.
· Developed an online training program to help students rapidly earn network user level certification status.
· Created detailed training and technical plans for the first-ever armor division war fighter exercise.
Automation Management Officer
Corps Support Group
Hanau, Hessen Germany
7/2002 to 6/2005
55H / Wk
Salary: $80,000 PA
Supervisor: Carol Sage
Telephone: 410-555-1234
combat service support Standard Army Management Information System (STAMIS) guidance to the
multiple units stationed throughout Germany and in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Coordinated schedules
for a 30-member technical support team.
· In
ed and assisted over 3K clients on over 500 automation systems, including STAMIS Software Change
Packages (SCP) and Interim Change Packages (ICP); improved delivery of customer support operations.
· Reconfigured and redeployed the
Combat Service Support Automated Information Systems Interface
(CSSAIS) system; installed the Morale, Welfare and Recreation Satellite (MWRS) system on base.
· Managed a Windows 2000 server housing 500 user accounts; maintained account database and performed
preventive maintenance on hardware to ensure minimal downtime.
· Orchestrated disaster recovery efforts and contingency planning; salvaged a defective server and brought the
system back online within several hours.
· Spearheaded the implementation of a jump shelter network for base staff consisting of high-speed internet
access, satellite telecommunications and audio/visual capabilities.
· Performed functionality testing of new software releases prior to implementation in the STAMIS systems;
identified and resolved existing hardware and software conflicts.
· Scheduled on-site visits to various bases to perform regular assessments and preventive maintenance
measures, and to address any technical questions by the staff.
· Created and modified software applications to meet specific user needs as approved by executive leadership.
· Fulfilled 24-hour or less turnaround on all technical requests, minimizing system downtime to less than 48
hours; established priorities and built strong customer relations with over 500 clients.
· Provided supplemental training to various data administrators as warranted to increase their operations skills.
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· Advised senior leadership of all automation requirements, including hardware, software and licenses; offered
key input used in approving/rejecting new technological advances.
· Provided technical guidance and functionality assistance to clients to resolve STAMIS issues.
· Contributed to several unit family readiness groups, assisting families to adjust to military life; laid the
foundation for the redeployment and reintegration of the group within the base.
· Made several instantaneous changes to enhance communication capabilities and improve group morale.
· Authored standard operating procedures pertaining to technical shop operations and contingency planning.
· Maintained a removable storage library of all STAMIS software filed according to system.
Student / Automation Officer
Leadership Industry Training
1800 Macon Street
Hollywood, CA 90210
6/2001 to 6/2002
55H / Wk
Salary: $57,000 PA
Supervisor: Philip Day
Ok to Contact? No
Participated as part of a software development team and integrators on numerous projects designed to enhance
the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) project. Served as lead tester during critical transition to a new website
portal. Organized and integrated software testing efforts specifically at Fort Belvoir.
· Co
cted a thorough evaluation and analysis of the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) information
management system; identified areas requiring capacity expansion and devised project expansion plan to
accommodate over 1K users.
· Implemented the Armys Active Watch program which continuously monitored the Armys portal
capabilities on a global basis And developed new scripts to help keep it running at optimal levels
· Rejuvenated a stalled initiative by revising the project plan, re-evaluating the selected equipment and software
components, and reallocating budget dollars to bring it to a successful conclusion.
Division Automation Officer
Infantry Division
Fort Carson, CO 80913
8/1999 to 6/2001
45H / Wk
Salary: $54,000 PA
Supervisor: Jackie Ramsay
Telephone: (719) 555-1234
Ok to Contact? Yes
Assisted in the formulation, implementation and supervision of$200K tactical automation architecture for the
newly reactivated 7
Infantry Division consisting of approximately 3,000 users and 1,000 systems. Evaluated
individual user knowledge and developed training programs designed to help staff optimize their knowledge and
usage of all system features.
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· Contributed project management and technical expertise to the successful acquisition, development and
placement of the divisions first Army Tactical Command and Control System (ATCCS).
· Developed the automation plan for the NATO Partnership for Peace (PFP) exercise which led to the
successful information exchange between over 14 participating nations and three military units.
· Created and oversaw a $150K Share Point installation and administration project.
· Spearheaded 500-user installation and implementation of a Share Point communications/collaboration project.
· Develo
ped the division staffs web site/ information exchange system; served as the forts web master for
both its extranet and intranet.
· Contributed technical and tactical expertise to the continuous commitment to provide seamless
communications between the Armys two integrated divisions, headquarters and six remote locations.
· Conducted follow-up customer surveys measuring response rate to each enhanced automation process;
parlayed the information into the development of a highly successful automation training package.
· Assisted the Information Director with managing and troubleshooting automation anomalies.
· Advised three major subordinate commands automation officers on technical related matters.
Operations Officer
Regional Training Brigade
Fort Carson, CO 80913
1/1997 to 4/1999
45H / Wk
Salary: $45,000 PA
Supervisor: Cory Mars
Ok to Contact? No
Planned and conducted training scenarios for approximately 11 National Guard Field Artillery units within a
nine-state region. Evaluated existing operations procedures, recommended enhancements, and adjusted training
to reflect approved measures. Held full accountability for 11 vehicles worth over $5M.
· Re
arched and planned programs related to computer systems lifecycle management; established and
prioritized systems goals and objectives at all levels, and implemented units annual training plan.
· Administered systems security practices, and developed end-user enrichment and support initiatives
· Contributed to the continuous development of contingency planning procedures.
· Performed systems analysis, design, development, testing, prototyping, training and installation.
· Managed the forts web server, including the hardware and the sites files; worked with different departments
and personnel to acquire approved content for dissemination to the forts community.
· Simultaneously rebuilt and improved the web site following a serious data loss.
· Developed the groups Weapons of Mass Destruction Response Task Force training program.
Colorado T
echnical University, Colorado Springs, CO, 5/2001
Master of Science in Software Engineering
West Point Military Academy, West Point, NY, 5/1987
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Diploma, Dodson High School, Dodson, MT, 5/1983 (Valedictorian)
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Selected job related training:
· Field Artillery Officer Basic Course, 2/1988 (Commandants List Graduate)
· Command and General Staff Officer Source, 11/2001
· Training and Industry Program, 7/2002
· Systems Automation Course, 8/1999
· Field Artillery Officer Advanced Course, 5/1992
· CISCO Certified Network Associate, 2000
· Government Purchase Card Training, 11/2005
· Logistics Training Team, 2/1996
· Combat Lifesavers Course, 12/1997
Job-related skills/technical expertise:
· Hardw
are / Operating System Platforms: Alpha / PC, Cabling, CD Writers, Dell Computers, Ethernet
Devices, Expansion Boards, Gateway Computers, Hard Drives, Handheld Devices, Hardware Upgrades,
Laptops, LANs, Macintosh, Modems, Motherboards, Network Configurations, Network Interfaces, NIC
Cards, PC Hardware Configuration, Peripheral Hookups, Printers, Rack Systems, Random Access Memory
(RAM), Routers, SCSI Systems, Scanners / Imaging Devices, Servers, SGI, SUN Solaris, TCP/IP-based
Networking, USB Ports
· Operating
Systems: DOS,
Red Hat Linux RTOS, UNIX (Solaris), WindowsCE. uC/OS-II, Windows Family
· Netw
orking: Ethe
rnet Connections, Firewalls, IP Addresses, IT Solutions, LAN / WAN Technology, Multiple
Locations, Network Architecture, Network Equipment, Network Operating Systems, Network Security,
Network Testing, Network Training, Network Upgrading & Maintenance, Networking Essentials, Operating
Systems, Passwords, Serial Connections, Server Hardware, User Guides Documentation, Website
· Languages
Development Tools: C++, C-Shell Script, Fortran, Java, Pascal, Structured Query Language
(SQL), Visual Basic, Microsoft IIS, Microsoft Studio, Visual Studio
· Software Applications: Microsoft Works, LoadRunner, Microsoft Office Suite, WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3,
Quicken, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Microsoft Publisher, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop
Plug-ins, Adaptec Easy CD Creator, Adobe Acrobat Writer / Reader, Exchange, MS Proxy Server, NetBeui
Protocols, Norton Utilities, Windows NT 4.0 Server & Workstation, Win 2000 Server & Upgrades, Zone
Job-related honors, awards, special accomplishments, and additional information:
· A
rmy Commendation Medal (6)
· Bronze Star Medal